Driver shot jfk youtube

Why did jfks driver shoot him in the head at point blank range. Kennedy, largely obscured by the cars rearview mirror, can be seen with his fist clenched in front of his throat while agents standing on the car behind the limousine look back toward the texas school book depository, the entrance of which is visible just behind the tree. Kennedys driver, tyroneborn william greer, played a part in his death. If the video doesnt start in a few moments, please refresh the page. Vidoe on youtube of the limo driver shooting president john kennedy. Speaking publicly about what he witnessed this is the only interview secret service agent bill greer granted reporters, he died 2 years after the interview. John f kennedy assassinated by his driver by god or satan. Was john fitzgerald kennedy shot and killed by the limo driver secret service agent william greer. The driver is looking at kennedy before, during and immediately after the fatal shot. Kennedys head woulda went back and to the right, not back and to the left, as is evident from a shot coming from the right side near the grassy gnoll, or the storm drain. The presidents limousine travels down elm street immediately after the first shot was fired. Theres a theory that says jfk was shot by the driver.

The most misrepresented missunderstood jfk conspiracy. Jfk was killed by the limo driver william greer page 2. The single bullet theory an analysis of the most hotly contested issue in this case, and the question nobody wanted to ask. Trump releases some documents related to kennedys assassination, but not all, as he deems some information as a threat to national security. Besides, as uk orgers will know, this would have made front page news on the daily express under the headline jfks driver. There has been speculation that the actions of president john f. Kennedy, we hear from mary ann moorman, an eyewitness at dealey plaza who shared her story with documentary filmmaker alan govenar. William cooper on kutv news, may 15 1991 the driver killed jfk. The whole driver theory hinges on tons of evidence. Not from a shot coming from front left, where the driver was sitting in relation to kennedy. Jfk irrefutable proof the driver did not shoot kennedy. Kennedys presidential limousine in the motorcade through dealey plaza in dallas on november 22, 1963, when the president was assassinated. Watch this video and see how our eyes can be deceived. Intrigue still surrounds assassination of president john f.

This video replaces the one that was censored, due to the complaint filed by proponents of the theory that bill greer, the driver of the limousine turned around and shot president kennedy. Did greer make mistakes in dealey plaza slowed the limo to look into the back. The driver shooting jfk is widely touted as being debunked. I watched the frames in a slide show format which seems to be the best way to view them. It is the reflection off the top of the passengers head. The experts agreed the driver shot him and highlighted it in the video did these experts analyse the tape after a bottle of tonic wine. Clint hill is a former united states secret service agent who was in the presidential motorcade during the assassination of john f. Driver as shooter controversy jfk shocking new, hd, stabilized video okay, now for a dose of truth. Proponents of this theory claim to show he reaches back with his right hand and simply shoots jfk in the head. William robert greer september 22, 1909 february 23, 1985 was an agent of the u. John fitzgerald kennedy, the 35th president of the united states, was assassinated at 12.

After studying frames at about z284 to z330 or so, you can clearly see the driver turn back towards jfk and shoot him at close range with what appears to be a silver. This channel is linked from the official jfk assassination forum at jfkassassinationforum. Discussion about jfk was killed by the limo driver william greer page 2 at the godlikeproductions conspiracy forum. If greer had shot jfk, someone in the crowd some less than than 10 feet away would have said something, ss agents and others in the know would. Im not japanese, but pay me enough and ill tell you jackie shot him. The zapruder film jfk 67 movie clip 1991 hd youtube. Here is a link to the individual zapruder film frames of the jfk assassination. Look at real unaltered footage, the raw footage of the film.

Marrs rebuts jfk driver as shooter theory federal jack. Jfk refused to knuckle under to the banksters, and pushed to reestablish the silver backing of the dollar. That was being promoted by a ufo crackpot in the eighties. This is an interview with clint hill, the main secret.

Jfk assassination footage with dallas dpd sound youtube. Kennedy, we hear from mary ann moorman, an eyewitness at dealey plaza who shared. As unfortunate as the discussions on whether the driver bill greer turned around and shot jfk in the head with his service pistol. The irumor mill because you cant believe everything you read on the internet. That leads me to another thing, if the driver did make that head shot. If you watch the film closely, it is obvious that what he pointed out is born out by the film. The passenger, roy kellerman reaches way to his left and retreives the gun after jfk is assassinated. Jfk assassination documentary the new york times duration. He became jfks driver after the 1960 election through. Americans will mark the 100th anniversary of the birth of us president john fitzgerald kennedy on monday, may 29th. The driver scoring a nolook over the shoulder shot while driving and noone in the car noticing is less believable than the oswald theory. Warning thread driver shot jfk might contain content that is not suitable for all ages.

One theory that keeps coming up is that secret service agent william greer, the limousine driver, actually shot president kennedy with a handgun. By comparing the zapruder film with the orville nix film, it is clear that when shots were first fired at the president, driver william greer braked the limousine to almost a complete stop, and, only after the fatal head shot, do the brake lights go off and the car accelerates. The zionists shot lincoln and they shot kennedy because they dared to have america be in control of its own money supply. The day jfk was shot his car was moving much slower than the 45 mph minimum dictated by secret service protocal. I killed jfk confessional documentary airs for one night.

Upon careful inspection of the film and further reflection, hanson denounced his own theory but this did not stop cooper from selling bad some so bad there was no color copies of the zapruder film and continuing to claim the driver shot jfk even though hanson and several other jfk researchers, myself included, warned him not to do so because. A documentary focusing on the conspiracy theory that lee harvey oswald did not shoot jfk will air again tomorrow, wednesday, may 31, in movie theaters across the nation for one night only. I am very much aware of many secret service deficiencies, to be kind in the jfk assassination. Greer, the driver of jfks limo, had fired the fatal head shot which caused the right rear of jfks head to blow out an enormous amount of brain tissue, skull fragments, and blood that would splatter and spray upon 3 of the 4 dallas motorcycle cops who. Order a copy of five presidents by clint hill with lisa mccubbin. I find the ample discussions on it whole books have been written about it a waste of resource and energy.

Notice in live footage how the foot patrol agents were called off just before the kill zone. For those still unware jfks driver shot him in th head. The assassination of the 35th president of the united states john fitzgerald kennedy in 1963 was. Notice the right rear missing in the autopsy pic and compare that to frame 3. Despite his assassination being decades ago, the mystery. The driver shot kennedy square in the right forehead with the bullet logically exiting the right rear. Jfk assassination footage reveals the driver bill greer. Kennedy was fatally shot by a sniper while traveling with his wife jacqueline, texas governor john connally, and connallys wife nellie, in a presidential motorcade. Nallis model shows that the wound wasnt where the bullet exited, but where it entered. What physics reveals about the jfk assassination history.

This branded jfk assassination forum channel conta. They also tried to shoot president andrew jackson and did shoot president james a. By clicking on continue you confirm that you are 18 years and over. It certainly looks like hes holding something to me. Here is the evidence the driver shoot jfk and the mainstream media is lying to us. If your can stop looking at the reflected light you will see the exact timing of the hand movement.

Jfk assassination limo driver bill greer interview youtube. The gun is a glare off the hair of the guy in the passenger seat. In this post i will show you why thats simply a not true. He apparently braced his left arm on the seat and grabbed the gun with his right hand.

Mary took her pic at zframe 309 and in it, the fak. That exit wound is corroborated by 40 witnesses and my recent work showing that jfks rear skull gaped open at the moment of front right impact. Greer passed the gun in zapruder before the shot and its seen after the shot in frame 319. Jfk assassination footage from the zapruder film reveals the driver bill greer shot kennedy. Jfk assassination footage reveals the driver bill greer shot kennedy by historynottaughtatschools. Everything is a rich mans trick part 2 zapruder film slow motion higher quality watch a bullet missing jfks head 2.

Eyewitness captures polaroid of moment jfk was shot youtube. He is driving the vehicle and manages to look at kennedy a half second before the shot, at the moment, and right after in a moving car which he is driving. This is an anomaly of epic proportions if he didnt shoot kennedy. Zapruder film shows jfks driver firing fatal head shot. That it is misrepresented by the bunkers that attack a very old video analyses of a inferior copy of the zupruder film. Zapruder footage it was not the driver that killed jfk youtube.

Almost unbelievably, that is the theory that some youtubists are promoting. Secret service, best known as being the driver of president john f. When the president was shot, he says, kennedys head exploded, as the film so graphically shows. Youtube 5 conspiracy blog archive 2015 1 september 1. It includes more footage and more accurate placings of certain footage. Addendum to this video with more information about the man who probably fired that shot.

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